Spring Break Housing
Spring break is coming up soon! Housing closes at 8 am on Saturday, March 1; it will re-open on Tuesday, March 11, at 8 am. Classes resume March 12, at 8 am.
If you plan to stay on campus, please submit the Spring Break Housing Registration Form online here . Cost is $50* which can be paid by cash or check in the business office or via the QR code in the registration form.
*Note: if you are staying on campus for athletics, as an international student, or for other Dordt sponsored activities you will not need to make payment.
Forms and payment must be submitted by Thursday, February 27 at 1 pm
Study Abroad Lithuania on Campus on Monday, February 10: & Tuesday, Feb. 11
Interested in studying abroad in Lithuania for a semester or summer? Cassidy Miller from Study Abroad Lithuania will be visiting campus from February 10-11, Monday and Tuesday. If you want to learn more about the program, come check out the booth by the Grille area or contact David Lee at David.lee@dordt.edu